

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Parkinson's Research-Response to Dudley
Date:    94-10-10 12:07:01 EDT
From:    WGrousbeck
To:      [log in to unmask]
CC:      [log in to unmask]
Dear Dudley (and list members), I am a prof med researcher working with
patients and MDs at Stanford
and just finished a rather detailed survey of Parkinson's
therapies for a client. It focused on combating the wearing-off
of l-dopa and on surgical (transplant) approaches. Attached to it are the
1993 and 1994 full-text med journ articles I found most relevant.
 I got into the research biz due to having a child born very seriously ill
two yrs ago. I was and still am a biotech exec, (now running a company trying
to cure my child's disease) but now I
have a passion (spare-time) for educating/empowering patients, and
searching out the latest trtmts worldwide. I mostly focus on
cancer, but happened to do this PD work last week.
Any way, my next
step is to begin phoning the top few transplant centers directly to
find out precisely where they stand now, since my friend/client
wants to be enrolled in a study. If you folks want to ask me
any questions re what I found out, please advise. I'd be glad
to talk with you about anything I learned, or could send along the complete
report (but for the report I'd charge $75 or so-I am still way below
break-even, don't pay until you receive the report, etc.). Anyway, glad to
take calls or email just to talk. -Wyc Grousbeck 415-851-5900; or
[log in to unmask], or 74671,2404@