

Forgive me if this doesn't work properly, this is my first time posting to
this (or any other) mailing list.
AnneR> Hiccups are funny for an hour but what if they continue for a
AnneR> day, or a week? What if they go on and on? Can I find another
AnneR> Parkinsonian who has hiccups? I am asking these questions in all
AnneR> seriousness. I hope that someone on the list can give me some
AnneR> information, a medical reference, some suggestions. Are there
AnneR> any medications? How do they work? Is there a centre for the
AnneR> study of hiccups? Is it a neurological problem or a problem of
AnneR> the digestive system or what? Any help you can give me will be
AnneR> greatly appreciated. Email to [log in to unmask] or post
AnneR> to this list.
Please keep in mind that I'm NOT a doctor.  However, I'm reading a book from
Prevention Magazine called "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies".  In the book
(pp 284-287), John Renner, M.D. is quoted saying "If you have hiccups that
you can't get rid of for three or four days, see your doctor."..."It may mean
you have a gastrointestinal disorder, a problem in your NERVOUS SYSTEM or an
infection of some kind."
I've heard of cases where untreated hiccups became so serious the person had
to be rushed to the emergency room.
Hope this helps.
=  Jeffrey S. Kaye                            Flying Squirrel Productions  =
=  [log in to unmask]  (checked 5x/day)          Macintosh/Windows Consulting  =
=  [log in to unmask] (checked 2x/week)               Eugene Oregon  =