

Dear Jeffrey and Donna;  This is to share an experience that I had with with
hypnosis.  I was having terrific problems with urination.  Being 60 years old
the physician thought that it was probably an enlarged prostrate.  So I was
referred to an urolgist, who did the necessary examination and found that it
was not "the problem."  He hypothesized that it could be the muscles at the
sphincter or those that contract the bladder.  He suggested that we try the
sphincter muscles and gave me a medication for it. (I can't recall the name
and I'm at the office.  If you want to know it, I can look at home later.)
The medication worked; the problem was that I became impotent.  So I decided to
try hypnosis.  I contracted with a hypnotherapist to do 4 sessions with
visualization that involved relaxation and images of running water, being by
a brook and by a waterfall.  Eureka!  It worked.  I have stayed off the med
and this has worked well for over a year.  I do have to get myself into a
kind of relaxation state, at periods of the day when it is worst, which is
at night.
Dear Sergio and Simon:  I have found that Shiatzu, a Japanese accupressure
technique, works wonders when I have a muscle spasming.  It is a direct pressure
on the muscle, up and down the length of it at 2 in. spaces, with a firm,
hard pressure for about 30 sec. at each site, and repeated at least twice.  I
was given a book on it (that is no longer in print) that has good pictorial
guides so that you can do it yourself, or someone else can figure out.  If
you cannot find a book on it, I will do some looking here.  I am sorry that
my particular book is out of print for it is very graphic and easy to follow.
But I could send you the reference (it is home right now) should you desire
        Regards,  Bob Newbrough