

Dear Judith:  Call HEARTY BALANCE at 1-800-473-3663 and ask them to send you
their book on nutritionally balanced 7:1 carbohydrates to protein.  It is
free.  One can follow their daily menus with usual grocery bought stuff, or
can order elan pharma prepared food if one is too sick or lazy to cook or
figure out 7:1 menus.  I am lazy, live alone 5 days a week, so order food
from them.  I must say it is quite good.  Better than my cooking as I
remember it.  They have a variety of soups, entrees, drinks, and keep adding
new delights like pudding...all balanced nutritionally so you don't overdo
the protein too much of which interferes with levadopa (Sinemet) absorbsion -
soon you feel better and somehow the  world seems a better place.
Barbara Yacos
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