

You wrote:
>     My name is Jim Griesser.  My father, Bob, who is 69 yrs. old,
lives in
>Ohio and has had Parkinson's for about 20 years.  Although the PD has
>over the years he has been able to continue to live at home with my
>     On October 1st my father took nasty fall, cutting his head and
>banging up
>his nose.  My mother, an ex-RN, patched him up. Everything seemed fine,
>the next afternoon my father went into respiratory arrest.  He is still
in the
>     Apparently my father has become VERY sensitive to the Sinemet he's
>and when he takes it his jaw (and throat muscles to a lesser extent)
>he's unable to open and breathe through his mouth. (So with a  bruised
>nose he was unable to breathe at all...)
>     In the hospital they took him off the Sinemet for a few days, but
when they
>put him back on it he began to have severe, full body "seizures" (for
lack of a
>word).  Now, I've seen his  reactions to Sinemet before, even episodes
where his
>entire torso twisted around, but never anything like this.  It scared
>nurses. His
>blood pressure dropped, pulse soared, and blood "oxygenation" level
>these episodes.
>     Interestingly enough Benadryl (yes, that same stuff you can buy in
the drug
>store) keeps his reaction to Sinemet pretty much under control.  Just
why this
>nobody (Doctors included) seems to know.  (I understand that years ago,
>L-dopa, Benadryl was used as a medication for PD patients.) The problem
is that
>the combination of the Sinemet and Benadryl has made him so tired,
sleepy and
>mentally confused that I'm not sure if he'll ever be able to return
>     Now to my questions...
>1. Anyone ever have or hear of someone having this type of reaction to
>    (By the way he was taking Sinemet 250/25 4 times daily when this
>2. Anyone ever have problems with jaw/throat "locking up" when taking
>3. How about Benadryl?  Does anyone take that with Sinemet?
>4.  Anyone have recommendations for a *great* neurologist in the
Cleveland area?
>5. They've also put my father on Permax.  What has the experience of
people been
>    with it?
>     Wow, this is the longest letter I think I've ever written - sorry.
>             - Regards,  [log in to unmask]
Jim:  Insist on a CT scan immediately (if one has not been done
recently)!  Your father could have sustained an intracranial injury in
his fall (a subdural hematoma or blood clot on the brain).  These clots
are usually curable with surgery and can do all of the things that you
have reported (and with a delayed action).  Tell me what happens!
Anecdote (from my training days):  "Uncle Charlie was 85 years old and
sharp as a tack.  Then, one day, Uncle Charlie fell down the stairs and
broke his hip.  He recovered from his hip fracture OK, but suddenly got
old.  He wound up in a nursing home and eventually died.  At autopsy, a
subdural hematoma was found, this coming from the same injury which
caused the fractured hip".
Get a neurosurgical consultation and a CT scan!
Best wishes,
Robert A. Fink, M. D., F.A.C.S.   Phone: 510-849-2555
Neurological Surgery              FAX:  510-849-2557
2500 Milvia Street  Suite 222
Berkeley, California 94704-2636
E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
CompuServe:  72303,3442
America Online:  BobFink          "Ex Tristitia Virtus"