

I stared, too.  And watched with amazed pride as my cousin, locked up,
gathered himself mentally and physically, legs stiff and shuffling, crutches
at the ready, told us to get out of the way, and shoved off with his
crutches through the crowd.  We ran to keep up.  We were part of the huge
crowd of strangers at 'Bumpershoot'.
Did people stare?  I don't know.  If they did, they must have felt the same
sense of wonder and awe to see true strength of human spirit in action.  The
refusal to hide what is, the ability to use what is available, and to keep
Several days ago, my cousin called from Kongsberg to say he had read all
I've sent from this PD posting.  I mentioned that according to what I've
read here-he really *picked* a doozy of a disease.  "Well," he replied, "I
knew  people in Kongsberg with other diseases,  diagnosed at the same time I
was. They're dead, now."
Sharon O'Hara