

Way back in September, Dr. Duvoisin spoke to  combined Lancaster-York, PA
 support groups.  His presentation was the same as he gives to medical
groups.  After asking the group how many had relatives who also had PD, he
noted about one third and said that was exactly what his research found.
Dr. Duvoisin presented charts and visuals illustrating the findings of
multiple incidences in several families going back many generations.
Rather than a negative finding, he excitedly postulated that finding the DNA
location will be an important step in a cure.  All the brains examined showed
Lewy bodies,-- a debated issue, I know.
At any rate, his talk was recorded and I have a copy.  A lot of detail--sans
visuals, of course--is very informative.  I can obtain copies for $2.00 plus
postage if anyone is interested.  My snail mail address is:    Lucile Wright
        R D 2,  Box 2310
        Spring Grove, PA  17362
I was surprised he was not mentioned as a participant at the Toronto
No one apparently replied to the copper question.  The first time I had
diagnostic work done, a test was ordered to eliminate a rare form of PD
involving copper.   The test was quite expensive;  perhaps not often done for
this reason.  Second question was thyroid function, also ruled out.  My
impression was at the time that thyroid was an alternative diagnosis and I
wonder at the number of our group who reported both.  Can one of you
professionals respond to that?
Lucile    ( [log in to unmask])