

The note from Donna Kipp about PD and Menopause really caught our attention.
We don't get copies of the Young Parkinson Newsletter - we're really not very
young - and so we haven't read the article to which she referred. Too bad the
article wasn't posted a few days ago, because yesterday I had my semi-annual
visit with my neurologist, and I could have asked him about it. Now I guess
I'll have to phone him.
 I've been on Estrogen replacement therapy for at least 5 years, long before
I was dxed with PD a little over 2 years ago. I've had no problems with it
that I know of, and therefore I am a little apprehensive about what the
article says. Is it possible that the Estrogen brought on my PD symptoms
earlier than they might have appeared without it?
 Donna, I don't know how long the article is, but wonder if you could
possibly type in the paragraph that refers to Dopamine and Estrogen. If it's
too long for that, I could send you our address, and perhaps you would be
willing to mail a copy of the article to us.
 I thought I (Lynne) would write this one, even though Jerry is the
subscriber to this List.
Lynne Gleason
Jerry Gleason ([log in to unmask])