

Hi Barbara and everbody else,
I sat back until now and took in the discussion concerning "permission for
what". It is now time for me to add my two cents worth.
If ever, and I hope and pray it will never happen, censorship, threats of
ligitation and other such totalitairian ways find their way into this List,
I will no longer have any part of it. I agree wholeheartedly with all who
affirm, that if one posts to this List one implicitely gives the o.k. for
all subscribers to use the item, if they wish to do so. To restrict this,
will destroy the spirit and freedom under which this List operates and which
must be preserved for the benefit of all of us.
It is the open discussion of ones private afflictions without fear and for
the possible benefit of someone else that makes this List what it is: "The
International Forum for Parkinsonians, Caregivers, Healthproviders and anyone
interested in Pakinsons." There is more knowledge and help regarding Parkinsons
on this List than anywhere else. Only through knowledge and fearless search
will the answer to Parkinsons be found.
So Barbara, preserve the integrity of PARKINSN for the benefit of all of us.
Best regards, Werner
Werner Staubitzer, Pouch Cove NF
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