

Werner:  What a great message.  I agree with you.  This discussion list
works.  Let's keep it that way.
An example:  This morning there was a message to the list about estrogen
and Parkinson's.  I did NOT know that.  It also happened that, this
morning, the woman who is the listowner of MENOPAUS was scheduled to be
interviewed on TV.  She had a lot of information ready but she kept it on
her email account.  Yes, you guessed it.  The system crashed.  All her
information was gone an hour or so before the interview.  We all received
a panicky 'HELP!' message.  I replied with the information that I had
just read (no names) about not taking estrogen when one has Parkinson's.
So, a lot of people benefitted because I had access to that information.
Thank you.  (The MENOPAUS listowner thanked me and I'm just passing it on
to the originator of the information.)