

Hi everybody.
I've been enjoying everyone's posts re: privacy and information sharing.
I'd like to throw out an issue for consideration:
We are clearly contributing to a very public discussion.  In fact, our
posts are all accessible via gopher so that more people can read them.
We post with the understanding that we are part of a community which
(should) respect(s) the nature of these often intimate discussions.  We
all make decisions about what we want to share and how we choose to share
it (public posts vs. individual e-mail.)  And we understand that another
group-member may choose to forward a message to a friend who might find
it helpful. (That's why we post!) However, this would be a very different
use than including a post in a research or journalistic article.  I post
to share information and experience, and to contribute to a living
conversation. However, I do so with the understanding that others will
respect the nature of the information being passed along and its
(originally) intended audience.