

The Parkinson's Welcome Letter  arrived  today. It is with great pleasure
I enter. I am a 63 year old female, Joann, (using my husband's account)
with P D  since 1986. It was not a clear cut diagnosis in the beginning.
A feeling  of fatigue in hand writing was the first clue. Steady progression
of the symptoms have me in a wheel chair to get around. A walker in the
house only able to walk about  30  ft max, very slowly. I can't speak and be
understood, so the computer has become a real friend, the last 6 months.
I retired at 60, and was really lucky to be able to hang on that long.
My husband retired a year ago and is the primary care giver.
Don was a Physical Education teacher for 38 years.
I graduated in Physical Education with a specialty in Physical Therapy. UCLA
Special Ed..Adapted Physical Education, took 25 years.
Physical Therapy,  full or part time got at least  35  years.
The other side of the fence is not so lovely.
Looking forward to it...
Regards, Joann
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12