

On Mon, 19 Dec 1994, Kathie Tollifson wrote:
> ... Have experimented with acupuncture with some
> surprisingly good results. Acupuncture eliminated my hand tremor even when
> totally drug-free(my neurologist has me do a daily drug holiday). Still
> gradually working with acupuncture for benefit with my leg stiffness. Anyone
> have any experience with this?
I would like to know more about acupuncture for PD patients. My Dad has
Shy-Dragers Syndrome (he doesn't have tremor, but many other PD symptoms:
posture, gait, voice) and has been plagued with Osteo Arthritis for
many years. He has always been alergic to apririn products, so has found
little relief from arthritis pain, mainly in his spine. I have wondered
many times about (and have unsuccessfully tried to convince him to try)
acupuncture to ease his arthritis. And now I begin to learn about
acupunture helping PD patients!
A couple of questions:
(1) How do you select an acupuncturist?
(2) What information will an acupunturist need to be able to select the
proper treatment?
John DeGelleke ([log in to unmask])
Palm Harbor, FL