

    To whomever reads this:
       I am a medical student at Washington State University, and as part
of my Human Anatomy class we have to research a topic of interest.  I chose
Fetal Tissue Research.  I understand that at this time Parkinson's disease
is a relentlessly progressive neurodegenerative disease for which current
means of treatment are ineffective.  Supposedly the best therapy available
is L-Dopa medication which for small lengths of time supplies the caudate
nucleus of the mid brain with the missing dopamine cells caused by the
disease.  In my research I have found that in Mexico City they did a
transplant project with 42 patients using fetal tissue as replacement for
the dopamine cells in the mid brain.  According to the article I read,
Fetal Tissue Transplant is the only hope for a cure, but in the U.S. we can
not research it's possibilities because former Pres. Ronald Reagan cut the
funds for its research.  Has anyone heard any of the disadvantages of Fetal
Tissue Research, because according to my investigations it only has
positive abilities.  I want to make a rounded presentation when I report
this to my colleagues.  Thank you,
                                Sarah Dietzen