

   Recently Rich Simons wrote about to much Sinemet giving mental confusion.
I too can testify that during some of my ON periods I seem to be a bit
confused. I suspect it is not just the Sinemet but something else reacting
with it.
   Speaking of reactions, Alan noted a reaction with asthma medications. I
have noticed Sudafed causes severe dyskinsia with Sinemet.
   I think this and the information on Estrogen leads me to realize that
maybe we should be compiling some of these notes on reactions for patients
and doctors to have. Has anyone done this already? I will start if nobody
else is already.
   On December 30th I will be going to Southern California to begin treatment
with Human Growth Hormone. This is experimental for PD. It makes sense to me
that something that promotes the growth of cells would be benifical to a
condition caused by the loss of cells. I will be sure to keep you all
informed of my reaction and progress. Apparently they have good success at
USC with this treatment.
Happy holidays everyone!