

Dear Networkers:  I replied on the "back channel" directly to Mark Hirsch
about my own exercise routine yesterday.  He sent me a set of references
in the literature about exercise and PD: they seem useful to us all.  Mark,
would you kindly put them on the network?
        I am an exercise person, having started in high school.  Currently,
I run a mile and walk an additional half on a padded track in the university
fitness center two weekly.  The third session is with Nautilus machines
with a trainer who helps me not to overdo.
        Monthly, I have a 1 hr. session with Felkenkrais physical therapy that
in the words of my therapist, it helps "loosen up the tin man."  I find this
awfully useful.
        All of this is my exercise package that I have thought to be important
in keeping myself going.  John Dewey uses the concept of "muscle knowledge."
My belief is that when the muscles have been trained, they will themselves
furnish some of the knowledge necessary to carry out previously well used
        I enjoy very much my daily reading of the network postings.  My very
best wishes for the Holidays!
                Bob Newbrough  [log in to unmask]