

Attitude is important.  Expectations are influential.  Note that placebos
work.  Note that belief in powers residing in primitive cultural
practitioners can bring on healing ... or illness, maybe even death,
suicide, etc.
Distortions from reality in our thoughts or beliefs directly affect our
beliefs which directly affect our feelings.
What follows is partially plagiarized from various sources.  Most readers
would benefit from the book, The Feeling Good Handbook, by David Burns.
We are not responsible for events that happen, but we are responsible for
how we choose to deal with events.
Treatments for the 'rest of the person'
        Depression and/or anxiety can develop from
                the unknowns upon diagnosis
                the loss of prowess, et cetera ... per se
                the reduction of self-esteem
                the mental ... brain ... effects of medications
                prognosis is gradual or not-so-gradual deterioration
        Attitude adjustment will be best if one achieves:
                good sense of humor
                acceptance of limitations ... but laughing and seeking to
care positively for one-self and others can follow the re-assessment of our
prospects after diagnosis
'new' goals
        living is worthwhile if we love and care about someone or some 'values'
        our role(s) must change as our impairments increase - but we can be
amiable - perhaps one must be or become amicable to one-self and others
since dependency inevitably increases if we live long enough ---- and PD is
perhaps accelerated physical dysfunctioning
new understanding
        laughter is essential to survival
        one must be an informed and observant participant in the medical
management of the problems of the disease (neuro-chemicals like l-dopa &
selegiline are 'crutches' for our 'cripples')
        same pertains to the psychological management of our self
        mental attitudes affect-and-are-affected-by health
positive attitude promotes faster recovery  (notable with burns and
surgery; resistance to cancer & arthritis; improved immune functioning)
        Reason:  brain-produced neuro-peptides transmit chemical messages
that "direct" the immune system ... depressed state - lack of
neuro-peptides... effectively "tells" immune system "Why bother?"
The challenge is a little tougher when the body functions less well.
Going slow is immeasurably better than ceasing to do your best.
Be spunky and feel good!        Happy New Year!      Ron
Ronald F. Vetter         <[log in to unmask]>
2105 Camino el Canon
Ridgecrest, CA 93556-7656