

On Jan 6, 12:18pm, Richard Coe wrote:
> Subject: 'plagiarism"
> Reading James Brown, Kenna Mannos, and Pat Sadowy's piece in Inkshed
> 13.2 makes me want to say/write this.  The confusion students report
> (p. 11) about what to reference has only a rhetorical solution.

I'm really pleased to have a response.  I haven't talked to my
co-conspirators about this, but I certainly agree with Richard and I'm quite
sure Kenna and Pat do too.  Other versions of the piece probably made our
sense that we need to help students learn to adjust to different discourse
communities clearer.  As Richard points out, so called "common knowledge" is
a particularly good example of this because it does (or should) raise the
question of "common to whom?"  Of course the answer varies and the concept of
discourse community provides a useful way of marking this variation.

James Brown
Assistant Secretary of the University
York University Secretariat
S883 Ross  736-5012

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