

I received the following request for help from a Political Science
prof.(UNBSJ).  (Not on the basis of my political views, by the way!)
I would appreciate any suggestions you people may have.

"This term I am offering a 'directed research' course titled
'rebuilding a National Party."
    It uses the collapse of the PCs as a case study to examine the
question of how do(or can) parties re-build after a devastating
    The goal of the course is to produce a report,a manual if you
will, for political parties to examine after a defeat.  Students have
divided this topic into subtopics, and will research and write each
chapter themselves.
    Where we would especially like help for you is at the stage when
we compile the student papers into our final report.  I'd like to
walk the students through the process of report writing by setting up
a computer and a screen in class, and spend class time with them
composing and editing.
    Could you help us with the organization of the report,
specifically on the meshing of writing styles and some of the
mechanics of bringing different papers together?"

--What do you guys think of this plan?  Will it work? Iplan to meet
with him next week;dialogue with you would be helpful to me.  Thanks!
                Roberta Lee