

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 00:30:12 -0500
From: Brian Elliott <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Good luck on your efforts to maintain this list.  It looks like a very
interesting and active discussion format. (I was away at Christmas and had
accumulated over 50 unread messages in a few days !).
By way of introduction, I am an elementary school principal in Oakville and
have been active with personal computers since the days of the Commadore
PETs and TRS-80s (circa 1979-80).
My interest in this particular disease stems from a family connection.  My
73 year old father has been displaying various symptoms for the past 7
years. Since my parents live in a small community, access to good
neurological care has been difficult. It's really only been in the past 3
years that his doctors have ruled out Alzheimer's and decided that the
dementia that we've seen is really PD based. Other symptoms were more
readily associated with the disease.
>From time to time, I'll share questions and observations from our
experiences with the "list". I've posted one already.
Brian R. Elliott,
Principal,              Office Phone:
Gladys Speers P. S.     (905) 827-4841
2150 Samway Road
Oakville, Ontario
L6L 2P6