

You wrote:
>Dear Brian:  Your story about your father is interesting to me.  I'm 60
>was diagnosed about 2 yrs ago.  At that time, I was very very anxious
>afraid and depressed; I was withdrawn and was ready to retire.  After
>Sinemet, my mood lifted and within a fairly short time, I was back to
my former
>level of confidence.  The last two years, I have gone back to work as
the old
>me.  One of my students told me this week that dopamine related
>often are mood elevators  and are used for mental health treatment as
well as
>PD.  I am interested in what symptoms your father has that are seen as
>dementia; is it forgetfulness?  There is an involutional aspect of
>that looks like memory loss because the person goes so effectively
>I will be interested in knowing whether the Sinemet has any effects on
>mentation.    All the best. Bob Newbrough
>Question to the networkers:  The medication mentioned above is
Wellbutin. It is
>called a dopamine enhancer and is used in mood disorders.  Has anyone
>of this drug?  Is it used in treatment of PD?
Wellbutrin is an antidepressant medication (different from the
tricyclics such as Elavil and Norpramine, and the newer drugs such as
Prozac) which relates to the serotonin system.  It is one of the
"milder" drugs in this area.  I am not aware of its use in Parkinsonism;
but I will do a data search in the next few days and see what I can come
up with.  Stay tuned; and if anyone else has information, please send it
Robert A. Fink, M. D., F.A.C.S.   Phone: 510-849-2555
Neurological Surgery              FAX:  510-849-2557
2500 Milvia Street  Suite 222
Berkeley, California 94704-2636
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America Online:  BobFink          "Ex Tristitia Virtus"