

To:   Alan Bonander
From: Leah Schorr, Assistant Editor, TARGET Newsletter
Date: 7 January 1995
Dear Alan,
I must add my voice to the many expressions of appreciation and love coming
your way since you decided that you must step down from the presidency of
Everyone I speak to has some personal anecdote telling of your seemingly
unlimited efforts on behalf of someone recently diagnosed, having difficulty
on the job, was let go, or just "down", having problems with medication.
 Each person sees you in the context of a personal interchange.
It wasn't until I assumed the responsibility of assistant editorship of your
much-acclaimed newsletter that I could sense the full scope of the super job
you have been doing and are doing for YPSN and the entire Parkinson
constituency.  It is hard to imagine that one man can be in so many places at
one time.
I recall a pleasant evening shared at a favorite restaurant.
Present: your wife, Jane, Jon (Stedman), yourself, myself.
The conversation turned toward the problem of transition when a PD person
considers retirement or going on disability.  I remarked that for me the
transition was not difficult since I had made retirement a goal, with
definite time constraints.  It was not imposed by my employer.
Leah: "Remember, for me, every day is Sunday."
Jane: "For Alan, every day is Monday!"
That about sums it up.  We know you will not just disappear from the scene.
Someone ( or more ) will emerge, but he/she/they will have to be a
hydra-headed wizard to cover all the bases you run all the time.
Good luck to us all.
Please note: This letter is not to be corrected, edited or amended.