

On Thu, 12 Jan 1995, Robert Fink wrote:
> Seth:  The figures quoted by Vern D *were* the "new" pallidotomies.
> They were Dr. Iacono's own statistics!
> Bob
> --
the whole first paragraph was about the old style pallidotomies. the only
figures in his posting were those of mr. devor, not Dr. Iacono. I didn't save
mr. devor's original posting, but my recollection of it doesn't quite match
vernD's interpretation
Dr iacono reports his results in a letter in The Lancet. of 105 patients,
with an average followup of 9.2 months, he says only 6 showed regression.
(in the letter he doesn't say how many improved in the first place though,
he just gives an average of the amount of improvement)
Dr. Laitinen has a full paper with great results.
Seth L. Ness                         Ness Gadol Hayah Sham
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