

On Fri, 13 Jan 1995, Robert Fink wrote:
> Seth:  Mr. Devor's statistics were obtained from a list which apparently
> he got from Dr. Iacono.  I am not sure of the validity of the sampling
> (and Vern D. wasn't, either), but they seemed to be the "new-style"
> pallidotomy.
but they were phone interviews by a layman. they didn't use a standardized
medical scale to measure the status of the patients parkinson's. They
weren't dr. iacono's data as published in a journal. i think i'm beginning
to forget what the point of this was.
in any case i just saw a new article in 'neurosurgery', vol 35, no. 6
p. 1126 , dec 1994.  a group in switzerland has, instead of lesioning
the site in the pallidum, implanted electrodes that deliver a constant
current to the site. (this is an established methodology(at least to some
extent)). this was done in 3 patients who all showed great improvement
similar to that seen in pallidotomies. at up to 1 year there was no
the benefit of this is that no tissue is destroyed, and it is reversible.
bad points are that you ahve an electrode and power supply inside you.
this is yet another published report in a reviewed journal, supporting the
concept of a pallidotomy.
Seth L. Ness                         Ness Gadol Hayah Sham
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