

Since January 1, 51 new members have joined us.  Also since January 1, I
have received 150 Parkinson's-related messages....most of them were posted
to the list.
There have been a few messages about being 'kicked off' the list.  The
listserver will 'auto-delete' a member if there are specific error
messages from that account.  If this happens, let me know and I will
forward to you the error message(s) that seemed to have caused the
auto-deletion.  Maybe between your own local email gurus and our own
Toronto listserver guru we'll be able to solve the problems.
Speaking of solving problems, I have a lot of muscle cramping (and
twitching at night) in my left leg.  One thing that I have found that
helps a lot is a Pro-Shiatzu massager.  It has a kneading action and when
I use it on those muscles that are cramping or twitching, they relax for a
while.  It feels great, too.  If I follow that up with a long, hot bath, I
usually have little problem getting to sleep and staying asleep.