

Thanks to "J.R." (Bob Newbrough) for your comments on my survey
My replies to the list tend to be delayed because I receive the
digest format.
I agree with Vern that burning two holes inside your brain is no
joke. (Sometimes I even have misgivings about the gallbladder I
sacrificed last year.) Believe me, we don't take this lightly as
I'm sure Don Berns didn't when it was his turn. We feel we have
put this procedure off about as long as we can. In the last
year, Aviva broke her left arm four times and her collar bone
once. I won't bother to list the other "joys" that come with 10
years of PD.
I saw Don Bern's tape too. I would love to go skydiving with
him. It has been over 25 years since I jumped last.
Win lose or draw, we plan to announce the results of Aviva's
pallidotomy (and our impressions of the Loma Linda team) on this
list. Aviva's date is March 1. California here we come.
Please think of Aviva. Thanks.
Best wishes and good health to all,
David S. Devor