

>Thanks to "J.R." (Bob Newbrough) for your comments on my survey
>My replies to the list tend to be delayed because I receive the
>digest format.
>I agree with Vern that burning two holes inside your brain is no
>joke. (Sometimes I even have misgivings about the gallbladder I
>sacrificed last year.) Believe me, we don't take this lightly as
>I'm sure Don Berns didn't when it was his turn. We feel we have
>put this procedure off about as long as we can. In the last
>year, Aviva broke her left arm four times and her collar bone
>once. I won't bother to list the other "joys" that come with 10
>years of PD.
>I saw Don Bern's tape too. I would love to go skydiving with
>him. It has been over 25 years since I jumped last.
>Win lose or draw, we plan to announce the results of Aviva's
>pallidotomy (and our impressions of the Loma Linda team) on this
>list. Aviva's date is March 1. California here we come.
>Please think of Aviva. Thanks.
>Best wishes and good health to all,
>David S. Devor
your in my prayers.  i look forward to hearing your results.  i'm only 27,
diagnosed with pd nearly 2 1/2 years ago, but i'm looking at the
pallidotomy, fetal tissue, etc.  i'm in no hurry, just want to learn as
much as possible.
best wishes,
jeffrey r. romanyshyn, m.a., [log in to unmask]
*film at 11!*
deep in the cave
we wander,
film at 11!
j.r. romanyshyn