

Dear Network-readers:
I've been on this list for 1 week and read a lot of very informative
e-mail. Thanks for every one.
My father have PD for more than 10 years. He is in Beijing, China. I
live in west Canada. We all quite glad that I can subscribe to this
list and then I can pass what I get to my father and ask questions for
him (he don't have access to our network there).
We have 2 questions :
1). There is a new (under experiment) drug called GM1. Any one knows about
it, its function and status?
2). There is a research report about a newly found protein by Robert
Edwards (?) in california. This protein is a key carrier for cleaning
the toxin in the problem cell for PD. See, my father read about this in
a chinese news paper without much details. Please forgive me if the
above name is not right (that is the best sound match with the chinese
news). Does any one know about this person or the research?
Thank you very much for your help.
Chris ([log in to unmask])