

Hello everyone,
My name is Kim Barnett and I have been subscribed to this list for a couple of
months now, about time to say hello and become active on this list. My mother
has PD, and I have been reading and forwarding achives from this list to her.
It might take some time (~ couple of weeks) for her to reply because at the
moment we have to rely on the post between us. Anyway, over to Mum, she has all
the talking to do.
Hi, I'm Pam Barnett from Nelson, New Zealand. Just joined up through my son Kim
who lives in Brisbane, Australia. Hope to get set up myself one day but have a
big problem learning to type with my shakes and tightness. How do others
manage? Also we have no internet access here yet. What a wonderful facility
this network is. I am wrapt, & full of questions. Top marks to those who run it.
I am 61, P.D. diagnosed in 1987. I read about the Parkinson List in the
Parkinsons Disease Update monthly newsletter.
Some tips that I thought may be useful to pass on.
1. Hands off telephone - just push buttons to dial and speak. Not expensive. I
shake considerably and a normal handpiece is hopeless. Disadvantage - everyone
in the room hears your conversation and joins in sometimes!! Small price to pay
for the convenience.
2. I keep spare pills in the car at the back of clip & push in ash tray. Small
fingers (children) cannot manage this one as it requires clip to be held down
at same time as pulling them out.
3.  I have an exercise video 60min called "Get up & go - a new dimension in
treatment of PD", by Health Tapes Inc, PO Box 47196, Oak Park, Michigan 48237.
Great for home exercises, group in home etc. 'Use it or loose it' a true saying
for PDers.
Just a couple of questions for now.
1. Dr Dwright McGoon, author of "The Parkinson Handbook" printed 1990, was a
heart surgeon at Mayo Clinic till 1978. I was wondering if he could be invited
to join in any capacity to this List. I really value his clear thinking & gift
of communicating medical things. His book was most inspiring. I'm interested to
know if he still maintains his drug holiday daily? and if he has altered his
thinking on treatment expressed in his book?
2. Parkinson Disease Update Issue 40, 1994 pg 215-216 article on new trials
with ganglioslide GMI (sygen). Has anyone been in this trial, or know of any
3. Somewhere I read about an experiment & operation of attaching a type of
pacemaker device to the brain to stop tremors. Does anyone have any info or
know of any results?
Pam & Kim Barnett <[log in to unmask]>