

Dear David...
I can't find one point in your letter that doesn't ring true. I
am impressed with your perception and the depth of your
understanding. In my own experience of 16 years with
Parkinson's, most neurologists and researchers place career
and self-interest first and contact with patients to a minimum.
I have followed the career of Dr. Iacono from newspaper
clippings and other newsletters and anyone who would put
himself and his career at risk helping a friend like he did with
Sid Orloff, stands head and shoulders above the crowd.
I have never met him, but I think he must be one of the few
genuine healers in the medical profession. If I could manage it,
I'd be there tomorrow.
Good luck to Aviva and you and trust your intuition. I just hope
that you don't get any more negative letters.
When I have more energy, I'll write you a proper letter.
Moira MacPherson
Peter J. Kidd
Learning Materials Consulting Services
Phone & Fax: (902) 443-4262
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