

I appreciate your research into the success stats for  the pallidotomy
procedure, and the weighty decision you and your wife confront. I must
confess though that the thing that caught my eye in your response to the
letter from the neurologist was the statement that the new doctors had almost
eliminated the dyskenesia and on/off for Aviva. As a young onset patient with
lots of dyskenesia and on/off, I can't resist asking what the magic
combination is?!?! The most even times I have had have been on a combination
of Eldypryl, Sinemet, and Ropinerole (a study drug not yet available for
use), but my honeymoon is over and Smith Kline is no longer interested in my
reactions to Ropinerole. Can you give us a breakdown of what is working? With
much hope for the future....Kathie Tollifson