

Since I am rather new to this network, I don't know if reference has been
made to a supplement of the December, 1994 issue of the journal "Neurology",
the journal of the American Academy of Neurology.  The title of this 52
page supplement is "An Algorithm For The Management of Parkinson's Disease".
I was informed about this publication by a Neurologist and found a copy
to read at a local hospital medical library.
An excellent detailed overview of symptoms (aren't there many) and the
various alternatives for treatment beginning with Early Parkinson's on
through advanced stages. The best and most complete presentation that I
have seen, and a good reference for recognizing and communicating our
"quirks" to the Neurologist. Good reference for various treatments.
This publication is intended for the doctor, but it is not too
technical, particularly for those fellow PDers who are inquisative about
what might be expected going from here forward.  Being informed will
help - keep a positive attitude.
Les McCoun <[log in to unmask]>