

This message is to Dr. Bob Fink in particular, and to anyone else who might
have suggestions.  I'm a novice here, and not sure about the protocol for
posting public messages.
Dr. Fink:  On 1/27th you wrote that "normal pressure hydrocephalus" can also
cause PD-like symptoms and can be ruled out with a CT scan.
Could you elaborate?  What is 'normal pressure hydrocephalus'?  What might
treatment be if this condition exists?
You wrote in response to the dialog about my 76 yr old father who has a
lifelong condition of Essential Tremor (Familial Tremens) and recent guarded
diagnosis of PD.
I say guarded because the neurologist expressed some uncertainty but
prescribed Sinemet at my father's persistence.  He has been taking the
Sinemet for 6 months (in addition to propanolol) and seems to have better
balance. Otherwise I am having difficulty detecting significant change.
"Leg lock" and muscular weakness are his most frequent complaints.  His arm
and hand tremor is almost violent at times.
Getting my dad to see a physician is a tremendous ordeal - physically and
emotionally.  He has little confidence that modern medicine can help him.  My
guess is that getting him a CT scan would be nigh impossible.
Thanks for any responses.
Val Mitchell
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