

This is response specifically addressed to long-distance "friends"
 of Anthony. It is alright it seems to make jokes about Anthony's
loudness from the relatively safe distance of Texas -- yes, Lester,
he is a bit loud, but for those who need to work with him and near
him, it is not a joking matter. It is well known that Anthony was,
at a very early age sent to mime school, so he might act
out rather than speak. As usual, such foresight did not pay off. It
seems Anthony wasn't very good with prepositions, and took to acting
up as well speaking out.
Now take Jake Selzer, he certainly isn't within
spilling distance, so he can be gratuitously generous with his
insults about Anthony's eating and drinking behaviour; however, again,
for those of us who eat with Anthony, it's no laughing smatter. I have a
mind to complain formally to Russell Hunt about the total lapse in
etiquette displayed by our American friends.  Anthony is not easily
Patrick Dias
Faculty of Education
McGill University
3700 McTavish Street
Montreal, QC
Canada H3A 1Y2
Telephone: (514) 398-6960 (work)
                 626-3605 (home)
FAX        (514) 398-4529
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