

>I am wondering if there is any connection between the subject enzyme
>mentioned in Hans van Zyl's message and the tyrosinase enzyme central to
>the Wilson's disease.
>The latter was from the Grolier encyclopedia article on copper.
>The question that Dr. Jeffrey Tosk mentioned at one time about the black
>pigmentation of the substantia nigra being odd in the center of the brain
>where there is no light occurred to him.  I am curious about this, too. The
>mention in the copper article that albino animals having a lack perhaps of
>the copper-containing tyrosinase prompts the question <does the albino
>brain substantia nigra exist?>  Is it black?
>The conjecture by Dr. Tosk that there is no light in the brain is probably
>not true.  There is some transmissibility to some of the electromagnetic
>This energy would tend to be absorbed by the black matter and raise it's
>temperature.  Could this be a clue worth pursuing?
>Does anyone have more complete detail about Wilson's disease?
>Perhaps Jeffrey Romanyshyn will be enlightened by the doctor he plans to
>consult about the disease some have declared him to have.
>The pathology postmortem description of the substantia nigra of persons
>afflicted with Wilson's as to pigmentation and Lewy bodies, et cetera might
>be clues.  If excess iron is PD marking, does Wilson's have excess copper?
>Enough for now.
>Ron  <[log in to unmask]> Ronald F. Vetter
I spoke with the neurologist at UCLA late last week.  The main reason why
he suspects my symptoms to be induced by Wilson's is because my first
Copper Urinalysis result was 52 on a scale where 15-30 is the normal range.
So, I had the test repeated--and the second result was 15!  In the normal
range, but a huge gap.  I will have a third test performed, and the
neurologist I spoke with suggested I use a different lab, so I am making
plans to hopefully go to UCLA within two weeks.
If there is even a chance I have Wilson's, the main question I have is: is
the treatment for Wilson's something that should not be pursued if doubt
exists, or can I go ahead and pursue it with no ill side-effects on the
chance I can be "cured"?  If anyone on the list has opinions, my ears are
I use "cure" hesitantly, because I have learned not to grasp at straws when
it comes to "cures" for my symptoms.  I am excited by the possibilities but
maintain my perspective.
Best wishes,