

My wife Nancy went to her optometrist last week and had a pair of
glasses tinted blue. This was done after experimenting with a felt
tipped blue marker pen on a pair of her older glasses. The experiment
did seem to provide relief from the drug induced dyskenisia that she
suffers from taking Sinemet for 14 years.
Seeing benefit,  she took the postings from this list server and
presented them to her optometrist for comment. The optometrist had not
heard about this particular use for drug induced (Sinemet) dyskenisia
but had  an experience with a dyslexic child that she prescribed green
glasses for and knew that some benefit had been derived. After very
brief consultation she tinted a pair of Nancy s glasses in accordance
with the theory expressed by Tom Reiss  posting. She tinted the glasses
so the peripheral vision received a darker blue than the central vision
but cosmetically the tinting looks uniform and quite normal.
After three days of use it is clear (but tinted) that these glasses are
generating measurable benefits. The dyskenetic lateral movement of her
head and the twisting of her upper torso has been reduced in frequency
and in magnitude. Head movement while eating has been a major source of
frustration as well as embarrassment. This movement often would span 6
inches to 12 inches and with a frequency of approximately one per
second. During the three nights we have had dinner together those
movements have been reduced to maybe three inches and to 1 per five
second interval. Tonight at dinner there was no dyskenisia at all. This
was after wearing the blue glasses virtually all day outside on a
bright and sunny 65 degree Fahrenheit day.
We both are truly impressed and Nancy will provide feedback over the
next several weeks to let you all know how she is doing. Hopefully this
is not a placebo effect.
Many thanks Tom Reiss for your observations
Bob Martone   [log in to unmask]