

Hi Edward. Glad you came out of lurk-land to ask your questions. Those of
us who care for PD parents/loved ones,  know that ups and downs are part and
parcel of the condition.  All the things you listed as problems are
indications that your mother needs lots of moral support and contact with
people, as well as exercise, good diet and perhaps a new evaluation of
her physical condition from another MD.  Changes are hard, but some are worth
the effort.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, please have her
doctor order some home-health-care nurses, therapists, whatever he deems
proper for her. They are a God-send, and will help tremendously also in
the area of human contact.  They are a caring and dedicated group of people.
I don't know anything about your area, but feel certain these resources are
available to you there.  Best wishes to you and your Mom as you explore her
options, and know that there are many of us out here who have and are in
your shoes.   Lynn Lowe