

Dear networkers,
        My name is Lynn and my husband Bob was diagnosed with PD two years ago.
I would like your reflections and advice about a situation that has just emerged
   for us.
        A friend approached us last week and asked if we would like to adopt a
baby (due in September).  We have not been able to have children of our own
and have not considered adoption because we assumed our ages (I am 44, Bob is
60) and the PD would make us ineligible or unattractive to potential birth
        We told our friend that we were interested in more information and,
much to our surprise, have just learned that the birth mother does not object
to our ages or Bob's condition.
        Now we are in the process of deciding whether to proceed and are seeking
from others. Of course, there are many issues to consider in adoption regardles
of whether one has PD.  What would be helpful from you in the PD community is
your thoughts on what issues PD might raise for
        1.  Bob as the father, having PD
        2.  me as PD caregiver and mother,
        3.  the child, having an older father with PD,
and     4.  our relationship as a couple, dealing with both PD and childrearing.
        A bit more background about us:  Bob is on Sinemet 25/100 four times
a day and Eldepryl 5mg two times a day.  He is quite active, and works full
time as a professor.  He needs two half-hour naps a day in order to maintain
his energy.  I am also employed ful time as a professional in the medical center
   .  My health is good.
        We would appreciate your thoughts on any aspect of this.
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