

Hello to all,
   My name is June Reynolds and I have been subscribed to this list for
about a month now.  My Father-in-law has PD, and I have been sharing much
information on this list with him.  He was particularly glad to hear about
the Udall Bill and I would like to share with you some excerpts from the
letters that he wrote to his Senators and Congressmen.
The United States Congress can be correctly credited for having
successfully enabled our country through its academe to establish a model
for the world to emulate, in taking care of its citizens AFTER THEY FALL
SICK.  It is time that the U.S. Congress would likewise help establish
another model of how to take care of its citizens BEFORE THEY FALL SICK.
Likewise, the schools of medicine of our country, largely under the
influence of the Flexner Report early in the century, have emphasized
Curative medicine and even when they include departments of preventive
medicine in their structure, they make sure that the Preventive cause is
secondary to the original Curative mission.
As a result many of the chronic degenerative neurological diseases like
Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Myasthenia
Gravies, Huntington Disease, Parkinson Disease, and many other
neuro-muscular disorders, have been left on their own, to ravage casualties
from the human race, leaving the patients to suffer completely at their
mercy, in onset, clinical outburst, mobility, morbidity, and eventually
Parkinson is the most common and if you were afflicted with this disease,
in any of your family, relatives, or circle of friends, you would come to
know how devasting it is:  You and I (as a case of Parkinson) know clearly
that we were mobile in all our muscles even before we were born, but this
disease would render us completely immobile even before death.
...Except for Huntington, whose genetic origin has been discovered, new
cases appear every year although the management of the morbidity has
improved but only symptomatically.  Devastation by these chronic diseases
like devastation by more acute earthquake, famine, war, or epidemics of
infectious disease, ought to attract more research attention than Congress
has so far directed.
Senator Hatfield's - Udall Bill (s2294) awakens the Congressional mind as
well as public awareness to the fact that it is high time to focus the
intent of basic research on the risk factors, yet unknown, of Parkinson's
after millions of cases have been systematically treated and died either of
intermittent infection or condition, or of final complete immobilization
which suffocates the morale of the individual and over burdens the mental
and financial state of family and surroundings.
In medical practice we used to refer neurological cases to neurologists
where we knew we were referring them to dead-end streets.  Unless, you in
Congress donate more money than even this Bill calls for, the incidence of
this disease will continue to rise, much to the embarrassment and shame
both of our medical schools and our Congress.   It is time that we rise up
to the responsibility of complete primary prevention of theses diseases and
especially Parkinson.
Advances in the knowledge of Neuroscience have been paramount.  Neither the
cost of treatment nor the focus of research on prevention contribute to our
eminence, (otherwise) in the field of medical practice.
I have Parkinson and so did my late wife and so does her sister.  We don't
want our children to suffer from it.  Don't your agree?
Thankfully and sincerely,