

[log in to unmask] wrote about heredity/pd/ld to
Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
 Rw> Subject:      heredity/pd/ld
 I am very  interested.
 I also worked with students with attention deficits and various degrees of
 learning disabilities; Special Educ. Adapted P. E.
 As my motor skills and pd symptoms progressed, I was aware of an awkwardness
 in gross motor skills.
 I also feel that it is a chemical imbalance which when properly understood
 and treated, it will bring control of the symptoms.
 Yes, I have a son with ADHD characteristics. Very gifted in the area of
 electronics. He was on ritalin, he is 23 years old and off all medicines.
 In my generation there is yet anyone to be diagnosed with pd, in the family
 there is pd. My mother had it, and her female cousin on her mother's side had
 > Duvoisin's lecture on heredity and pd,
 Sounds interesting, how do I get a  line on  this Lucile Wright, I am amazed
 at the parallel. It seems too much for coincidence, it is probably genetic
 as far as a predisposition for a vulnerability of the CNS is concerned.
 Joann Betts (Using my husband's account)
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