

I do pallidotomies for Parkinsons. It's a good operation which has positive
effects on bradykinesia, drug induced dyskinesiae, rigidity, on-off and
cramping. In many cases it improves gait. Younger patients such as yourself do
very well. It involves a 3-4 day stay in the hospital, and a 2 hour surgical
procedure done under local anesthesia. Electrophysiologic mapping is a part of
the surgery to refine the final target coordinates.
Hope this helps.
Patrick J. Kelly MD
Professor and Chairman
Departmnt of Neurological Surgery
NYU Medical Center
550 First Ave
New York, NY 10016
\   Patrick Kelly, MD   \  Internet: [log in to unmask]  \
\   NYU Medical Center  \  Phone: (212)-263-8002               \
\   New York, N Y       \                                      \
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