

Constipation, even when induced by medication, can be helped by the use of
probiotics.  1/2 teaspoon of UAS Labs DDS acidophilus mixed with 1 teaspoon
of powdered pectin in 4 ounces of water and 4 ounces of pure aloe juice one
time a day can help restore bowel function without causing irritation to
the gut.  The DDS provides normal gut flora.  The pectin is a soft, soluble
fiber (citrucel works too) and the aloe soothes and heals irritated mucous
membranes.  The extra water is necessary because the fiber bulks on fluid.
If fiber is taken in too great a quantity without enough fluid the fiber
can cause constipation.
Krispin Sullivan, CN    Under the Oaks in Marin, CA
Clinical Nutritionist
The only difference between a dull mind and a brilliant
one is the desire to know and the fearlessness to ask.