

I'm a medical writer for the Wall Street Journal wishing to talk with people who
 have had, or are planning to have, pallidotomies. I'm working on a general
 story about the procedure and am interested in several major issues concerning
 it, including:
--How much improvement does it give, and how longlasting is the positive effect?
--How often are their no benefits or worsening of symptoms after the surgery?
--Are doctors outside neurosurgery, especially neurologists, endorsing the
 surgery for their patients who might benefit, or is there considerable
--Are insurers generally paying for it?
--Are waiting lists for the surgery growing in the U.S., or are enough surgeons
 now doing the procedure to handle the demand in reasonable time?
If you're willing to be interviewed, please send me your telephone number by
 email, briefly telling me, if you would, whether you have had the procedure
 already or are planning to have it. If you would prefer to talk only by email,
 that is okay too. Thanks for your help.
David Stipp ([log in to unmask])
Phone: 617-654-6703