

To Bob Newbrough:
You asked how we got the Unity Walk started.  Well, one fine day we (meaning
several people in my support group) just decided that
a metropolis like New York City should have a Parkinson's walk.  And then we
decided that it should be a broad-based event, not linked to any one
particular organization.  So we plunged ahead, blessedly unaware of the red
tape and work that would be involved.  We approached PDF, NPF, UPF and APDA,
and managed to get
all of them to endorse the Walk and to help underwrite our expenses. Some of
the organizations also gave us publicity in their newsletters.
I think we were very successful for our first time out.  And the
organizations made out very well financially.
This year, with three cities participating, we are even more excited about
the Walk. We are hoping for a groundswell of support from the Parkinson's
community.  If we all get together, who knows what we can accomplish?
Margot Zobel