

The Study title is Long-term OPC-`14117 Treatment of Parkin's Disease and
Related Disorders.  The statement is "this study id designed to determine
if OPC-14117 can slow symptom progression in Parkinson's desease.
OPC-14117 is a new compound which blocks the formation of free radicals,
chemicals which are thought to cause nerve cell death."
So, the study is definately PD related.  Anybody know anything more about
free radicals and PD?
Thand you very much Peter.
On Sun, 26 Feb 1995, Peter VanderKam wrote:
> P> Living close to NIH, I volunteered for a study and appeared to have but
> P> accepted (paperwork in the mill.)  The study is 22 months and involves a
> P> Smith Kline drug which is supposed to be a free radical scavenger  --
> P> free radicals being brain cell destroyers, I am told.  The study involves
> P> weekly blood tests and 2-3 spinal taps.  It will be the usual double
> P> blind test so half the participants will be on placebos.
> P> Question:  is it sensible for me to be participating in such a test?  How
> P> much is known about PD and free radicals?
> Hi Victor,
> Allow me to throw in my two cents...
> I've never heard about a connection between PD and free radicals.
> I've read that free radicals are being looked at as a possible cause
> of aging, and I guess that could relate to PD, but perhaps you should
> ask about that first of all. Is this an aging test or a pd test?  (I
> don't see anything in your description of the experiment that links
> it to PD, so I'm not sure if you checked that.)
> I also read that the medical establishment still doesn't have hard
> data regarding the benefits of anti-free radical-therapy.
> Regards,
> Rob Vanderkam,
> (sending mail via Peter Vanderkam's address)
> c/o  Netmail 1:229/510 (Online Now)
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Victor K Heyman
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