

I am on this list now for a couple of months and I think it is
a good time to introduce myself.
First two remarks:
- I like this list -and the people- included "flames"
- I live in the Netherlands (Europe), and my English is not too good,
  sorry for that
My age is 50, male, PD from '81, after the first good years a time
of "over-medication": the top was in '89:
9 parlodel (2.5), 13 sinemet (125), 4 madoparHBS (125) a day!
After a big war with my neuro-specialist(?), I came in better hands,
after that time I also start to study PD and became very critical.
Medication and situation now as to be expected... but not too bad.
Some years ago I had a treatment of the "ASLAN" therapy and that
was included with an "ozon" therapy, also against free radials.
On the moment I participate in a trial of a new medicine: Tolcapone.
That it was for the moment, all the best, Arhur Cannegieter.