

My name is Roger Naeseth.  Iam 60 years young and have been
diagnosed with Parkinsons for 3 years.  My symptoms are at
rest tremors on my right side, mainly my leg.   My right leg
feels different than my left, seems to feel heavier.  I am
taking no medication.  I belong to a support group in
Crystal Lake, Il which is very helpful. I would like to
recommend the newsletter UPDATE.  It had the Wall Street
journal article info last year and is also how I found out
about the Internet.  Cost is $40. per year,  issues  occur
once a month. There phone is 215-947-6638, fax is
In a poll of our support group around 60% have a family
background of Parkinsons. To my knowledge I do not fall in
that category. Well water is supposed to be a factor but not
sure what that all entails. I wonder about working around
Radar and other equipment in my Navy days.
One of the newsletters said a loss of smell seems to be an
early indication of Parkinsons before the symptoms are
present. Many of our group fall in that category.
I feel as long as I can function somewhat normal (I take
vitamins and go for walks most of days of the week) I will
not take any medication. My neurologist agrees with this. I
do wonder if I should take Deprenyl but there seems to be
conflicting data about it also. The first Neurologist ran
all the usual tests including two MRIs. He did not think I
had PD but did not know what I had. He had me take Klonopin
(a valium like substance) and also tried me on Proprandol a
beta blocker. None of these had any affect. I then went to
another Neurologist who after doing the normal balance and
strength test said no doubt you have Parkinsons.  Is there
anyone else out there with similar symptoms?