

     Does anyone know of any World-Wide Web pages devoted to
Parkinson's?  I have found none and have decided to tackle the task of
creating an information center.
     I would like some feedback on my idea.  Please send ideas, comments,
questions, etc. to me at [log in to unmask] or post them here.
     Here's a basic outline of the information I'd like to provide.
a. Basic information on PD
  - symptoms, medication, surgical procedures, etc
  - links to related medical fields
b. Frequently Asked Questions about PD
c. An archive of transcripts from interviews, TV shows, etc as they
become available
d. Links to PARKINSN archives via UToronto gopher
e. **Perhaps** An easy way for interested parties to join the PARKINSN
list (with permission from Barbara Patterson and UToronto)
f. An archive of papers from medical journals, etc. as available
g. Other items suggested by readers like you
Please let me know what you think about this idea.  If I get enough
encouragement, I will start programming ASAP and will make acall for papers.
_Jeffrey S. Kaye
[log in to unmask]
Son of a 10+ Parkinsonian mother