

On         Sat, 4 Mar 1995 "Jeffrey S. Kaye" <[log in to unmask]> said:
>     Does anyone know of any World-Wide Web pages devoted to Parkinson's?
>have found none and have decided to tackle the task of creating an
>     I would like some feedback on my idea.  Please send ideas, comments,
>questions, etc. to me at [log in to unmask] or post them here.
>Please let me know what you think about this idea.  If I get enough
>encouragement, I will start programming ASAP and will make acall for
>_Jeffrey S. Kaye
>[log in to unmask]
>Son of a 10+ Parkinsonian mother
I think this is the second or third post I have seen on a PD WWW page, so
it seems the time is right...let a thousand flowers bloom 8-)
One feature I would like to see has to do with stuff like the Udall
bill...a form where the user can enter their zip code, and get back a
(series of) page(s) preaddressed to their senators/congressmen/governors,
where they could type in there message.
Flaws with the idea are: not all s/c/g have email addresses (internet FAX
sites?), and zip codes don't map to congressional districts (let the user
choose in cases of ambiguity?), and many others, I am sure.
Just a thought on how to capitalize on the interactive nature of the net,
which IMHO is where the future is for the Web.
Doug Turner
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