

Hi to everyone.I am very happy to find this network.My dad
is 78. He has had pd abou 8 yrs. He is a young 78 with
longevity in his family. He has tremors,trouble walking,and
freezing but he is still very active.He hates the meds says
it makes him crazy.I have very little faith in his doctor
i think he has been written off as too old to worry about.
He takes heart medicine for cong heart failure but has had
no heart trouble in 25 yrs. He is on no antidepressants.He
is very depressed so he drinks all the time.Would he be a
candidate for pallidotomy? He is very far from dead and he
is in a state of giving up. He has no physical therapy so he
just lays around. His brain is fine. I would appreciate
anything anyone could tell me to help.He is a successful,
vital man who is letting this thing get him. God bless you
all. Thank you.
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